Dr. Lawrence Kessler is a Board Certified Optometrist serving Champaign, IL and surrounding communities.


Dr. Kessler was born in New York, but spent most his young adult life in South Florida. After graduating with adegree in Psychology from University of Miami, Dr. Kessler obtained a Bachelor of Science in Visual Sciences in 1973 from Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago, and a Doctorate of Optometry in 1975. He also received post doctoral training in pharmacology from Illinois College of Optometry, in Medical Management of Eye Diseases from I.C.O., and in Low Vision from the Lighthouse of New York.

Dr. Kessler is a member of the National Eye Research Foundation, American Optometric Association, and the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Optometry. He is a long time local in Champaign, Illinois, having been practicing optometry here for the last 18 years, and specializing in Contact Lenses, Computer Vision Syndrome, Dry Eye Syndrome, and Ocular Nutrition.

When Dr. Kessler is not working, he enjoys several hobbies; including skiing, cycling, and tennis. He is a member of Prairie Cycle Club, and has ridden RAGBRAI across the state of Iowa seven times. In addition, Dr. Kessler has performed with Champaign Urbana Ballet, as part of their Nutcracker show for 6 years, and Coppelia in 2008.